Tuesday 31 December 2013

Konte Prasnalu

Three Common Objections in Insurance Sales
Below you'll find three rebuttals to the most common objections you get when closing on your insurance products.  Remember, take the time to reword or rework them to fit your specific services or selling style, but after you do the key is to use them.
By the way, if you sell something besides insurance, there's something in here for you, too.  How often do you hear the "I'm happy with who I work with now," or "Why should I change?" when trying to close on your products or services?
You see, objections are objections are objections.  Prospects and clients have been using the same ones for years because they work to blow off 80% of your competition.  But once you start using these rebuttals, you'll find a way to get past them and present your products and services.


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